Chief Sunday Igboho Express his profound gratitude to God towards Challenges faced by him.


Statement from Chief Sunday Igboho

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Nigerians worldwide for their unwavering support and prayers during my recent challenges. I am profoundly grateful to God for the lessons learned through these experiences.

I want to make it unequivocally clear that I am committed to peace and nonviolence in all my pursuits for the self-determination of Yoruba land. I have never and will never endorse violence. Our demand for Yoruba nation in itself is not an unlawful demand but same must be done within the rules of law.

I urge the public to refrain from violence. No government institution or individual, whether in government or not, should be subjected to attacks. 

In our quest for self-determination for the Yoruba nation, we will engage with the government through lawful and peaceful means.

 We will not condone any actions that go against the law.

I advise journalists to only publish stories directly from me and not statements from anyone else. Henceforth, only my Legal Team, particularly Mr. Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq., is allowed to make statements on my behalf as our statements must receive legal clearance.

Addressing the issue of insecurity in Yoruba land, we will consider ways to complement government efforts by engaging with the government on how we can contribute to safeguarding our people. Our people must be safe in their homes.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Chief Sunday Igboho

27th February, 2024.

